SBS March IR50/50 Results


Our first IR50/50 match was a success and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
There were a few first match glitches but all in all things went pretty smoothly.
Weather cooperated with a beautiful sunny day with milder then normal wind and just enough switches to keep your attention.
Match One was taken by Drew Hussey with a very nice 747-43X Agg including one of only two 250 cards shot. (Match Director Dan Lutke shot the other one.)
Conditions toughened up a bit for Match Two which was won by Francis Lee with a 744-27X Agg.
Our 6 Card Overall Club Agg aka "The Money Match" was won by Drew with a 1487-68X Agg.
Also finishing in the money: 2nd Ardey Vad 1483-70X, 3rd Francis Lee 1480-55X, 4th Tom Price 1475-53X.
Many thanks to all the competitors who helped with the frames, scoring etc. and especially to Dan for running the match.
Full results attached.


  • IR5050 March 2019.pdf
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Congrats on your first match. Looks like a nice turn-out.

I looked at the range on Google and it looks like a great place.
Congrats on your first match. Looks like a nice turn-out.

I looked at the range on Google and it looks like a great place.

Thanks for the congrats! Not bad turnout for our first one.

It is a hell of a nice facility especially considering we live in the Peoples Republic of California.
One of the pluses for us is we are one of the few ranges left equiped for Law Enforcement (DOJ, DOC, etc.) to do their training at.
We are holding the NBRSA 600/1000 Yard Nationals there in a couple of weeks, and the California State 4 Gun 100/200 in June and July.
I feel fortunate to have such a nice facility only an hour and a half from home.