Savage wins Hickory Groundhog shoot


New member
Crusing through 6mm BR website today, I noticed a Savage won an event at the Hickory Groundhog shoot. Imagine that; from an ugly gun, no less. I've been a Savage fan for awhile and knew it was just a matter of time.
you should have seen the look on there faces.It also busted the egg at 500yd. They said it was luck but we also took 2nd and 3rd in factory,2nd in custom. Our scores in factory would have also took first .third and forth in custom. They are not wanting to allow these gun to shoot in factory next year. They said the long range precision varmiters are built in savage's custom shop. I talked with savage today. they stated they have no custom shop all of these guns are catalog items.They are sending us a company letterhead stating this. Who would have ever thought you would hear the word custom and savage in the same sentence.
you should have seen the look on there faces.It also busted the egg at 500yd. They said it was luck but we also took 2nd and 3rd in factory,2nd in custom. Our scores in factory would have also took first .third and forth in custom. They are not wanting to allow these gun to shoot in factory next year. They said the long range precision varmiters are built in savage's custom shop. I talked with savage today. they stated they have no custom shop all of these guns are catalog items.They are sending us a company letterhead stating this. Who would have ever thought you would hear the word custom and savage in the same sentence.

Jason, you must not have read my post on the 1000 yd site, this thing about the Savage's came up long before you won this match. Larry is not trying to single out Savage, he just brought up somthing that was printed in P.S. magazine in black and white for everyone to read. I will repeat myself one more time, he called his two main distribaters and they had them in stock and I ordered one for myself Monday got it today, shot it this afternoon. I will dig out the P.S. article tomorow and let you read it for yourself then mabey you will understand why the question was brought up. Your Savage is not the first to shoot well at the egg shoot LRPV Savage won the factory class last year and finished 4th overall then the article in P.S. came out. If you will email me your address I will mail you a copy of the ad [[/email] Gary
Congrats Jason!

Keep it up, there will be more and more Savage shooters coming. It's like a plauge, a Remmy shooter told me once! Ha!:D


Many people have slammed Savage on these very posts over the past several years. Comments like they were ugly, would never compete, etc. seemed to be the norm. I don't think any Savage owners were claiming they would be competing against custom built PPC's but were claiming that a Savage platform could be made into a very economical and accurate package. Not everyone who frequents this site has the desire or economic backing to compete against the top names but many of us like to shoot as accurately as possible within our budgets. Many of us avail ourselves of the knowledge and experience many seasoned shooters share and fit those pieces into our own game. The Savage platform with all the usual accuracy pieces will probably take care of a large population of accuracy minded shooters and Savage is to be commended for listening to it's customer base. They have more chamberings, rates of twist, and semi custom features than any factory rifle I'm aware of. We'll be hearing much more about Savage in the future.
As much as I want another new Remington, I have to tell you, Ive been looking at one of those Ugly Savages (well actually Stevens) and telling myself, buy the Stevens, a new match grade barrel, a rifle basix trigger, and a stock from, and take the money I've saved (after Ive bought a Remington, pulled the barrel off it, had it trued, and also bought a new stock) and buy a second Savage.

Remington would be out of business I fear if Savage would do just one thing, make their rifle look a little better.
I'm new here and just recently bought a 12BVSS. I have no previous interest in rifle shooting, only handguns, so when i got interested in buying a rifle I had no preconceived idea what constituted a "good looking rifle". When I did my research I saw this "ugly" comment constantly. I went to the local gun shop handled them all and just don't understand how my BVSS can be considered ugly. I have rode and raced dirt bikes most of my adult life and we always believed "form follows function". So if an ugly dirt bike will win races that's what I'll be riding. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Many people have slammed Savage on these very posts over the past several years. Comments like they were ugly, would never compete, etc. seemed to be the norm. I don't think any Savage owners were claiming they would be competing against custom built PPC's but were claiming that a Savage platform could be made into a very economical and accurate package. Not everyone who frequents this site has the desire or economic backing to compete against the top names but many of us like to shoot as accurately as possible within our budgets. Many of us avail ourselves of the knowledge and experience many seasoned shooters share and fit those pieces into our own game. The Savage platform with all the usual accuracy pieces will probably take care of a large population of accuracy minded shooters and Savage is to be commended for listening to it's customer base. They have more chamberings, rates of twist, and semi custom features than any factory rifle I'm aware of. We'll be hearing much more about Savage in the future.

Well put Chino.... Spot on.

"form follows function". Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Tom


Looks is not everything

They shoot and they stand behind ther product not like Remington

If you have a XR100 in .223 do a chamber casting they are chambered off from the center line of the bore. I had one that would not group and did a chamber casting an found that the lands ran all the way to the case neck on one side and about .050 up on the other side. I sent it back to Remington they said they would fix it. but after two mounths i called them they said they were wating on a barrel assembly. I bouth another one to rebarreled to 17 Fireball. Did a chamber casting on that one and found it had the same problem SN was 2347 higher. Called Remington and told them what i had found. They told me that it is a discouned rifle that no part are avable so they would not fix them so what did i whant them to do with the one they had. Not a very good way to run a bussnes. (They returned my rifle with off center chamber.)
Does anyone know what scope and what rings/bases the winning shooter was using ?

Guns don't win matches, shooters do.

No, the COMBINATION of shooter plus rifle plus ammunition wins matches. The best shooter in the world likely would not hit the egg at 500 yards with a Mossberg. And a poor shooter would not likely hit the egg with a rifle shooting 1/8 MOA.

That's right Vic.
My hats off to savage for offering such accurate rifles at reasonable prices---for the the vast majority of shooters out there, they need look no farther than Savage for their accuracy needs.
My next rifle purchase will be a savage---just got to support a company like that!!

No, the COMBINATION of shooter plus rifle plus ammunition wins matches. The best shooter in the world likely would not hit the egg at 500 yards with a Mossberg. And a poor shooter would not likely hit the egg with a rifle shooting 1/8 MOA.

You aren't getting me......The rifle didn't win, th SHOOTER did. There has to be a trigger yanker back there. The SHOOTER gets the award, not the gun. It does take a combination of shooter, rifle, and ammunition to win, but the SHOOTER is the winner.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard...

..."bring that Savage to a real match and see how it does against the 3000 dollar and up custom rifles."

Apparently some folks have decided to take those snooty rascals up on their offer. ;)

I have a mod 12 vlp, 22-250, it is very accurate, it is one hellava varmit rifle.

..."bring that Savage to a real match and see how it does against the 3000 dollar and up custom rifles."

Apparently some folks have decided to take those snooty rascals up on their offer. ;)


It's great, isn't it? Give it another year and some of the naysayers may come around. Kind of reminds me of this young kid who just started shooting trap at our local club with his grandfather's hand down Remington 870 and a paint pail for his round holder. The snobs with the Perazzis and Berettas laughed at this kid until he started kicking their ass. He has continued to kick their ass and I think it's great fun to watch.
Chino69: I have been perusing the 6mm BR site but could find no mention of savage winning at the Hickory.
Could you give me directions to that article as my searches on that site turned up nothing.
And while I have your attention do you know "which" model savage was it that "won one of the events at the Hickory"?
I have seen literally hundreds of posted derogatory comments regarding the looks, styling, clunkiness and outright ugliness of savage Rifles (and I agree with them wholeheartedly!) but I have never seen a single derogatory comment regarding their ability to shoot well! Now and then someone posts regarding various problems with their savages but usually its not about accuracy.
Me thinks the chip on your shoulder is large enough without "embellishing" things!
I in fact have posted many times regarding savage bolt action Rifles accuracy, always with commendation of same!
But there is no denying they are ugly, poorly styled and clunky!
And that is the main reason I have never owned one, wanted one, made an offer for one or contemplate ever owning any of the present batch of savage offerings!
Life is just to short to Hunt with and shoot ugly, clunky, poorly styled Rifles!
Long live savage bolt action Rifles!
Hold into the wind
P.S.: As an aside my local gunsmith purchased a RBLP heavy barreled savage single shot Rifle in caliber 223 Remington some months back. He mounted a 6.5x20 Leupold scope on it and went to working up a load for it.
I have a similar Rifle (single shot, heavy barrel, target style trigger) made by the Remington Arms Corporation using the exact same scope. To date my Rifle has shot a much smaller group (5 shots at 100 yards) than has my friends savage!
I have not (as yet!) asked him to compare his overall averages of group sizes with those made by my Rifle, but in the near future I will.
AND, by the way, my Remington cost me much less than what he paid for his savage!
I am happy for the savage success at the Hickory competition.
Now if they can do something about their styling and clunkiness maybe I would consider buying one?
The gun that won was a long range precsion varmiter .223. I have a night force 12-42 on it. I have had the oppertunity to shoot and try out 16 of these new rifles in .223 22-250 6.5-284 .308 in several different twist rate. All of these guns are the most accurate production I have ever shot.I also won 1st in factory class and 1st in limited open at varmit hunters jamboree with LRPV IN 22-250. The limited open consisted of around 100 custom guns.There is a group of men that I shoot with we are planning to carry some of these guns to the IBS 600 nationals at oak ridge TN. I know your thinking bull sh-t. We don't plan on winning it but we just see how these little ugly guns will do. We could use a little support from you savage shooters. I promise I want get last. South Team Savage Shooter Jason Hunt