Savage Twist Rates


I would like thoughts and opinions on the Savage varmint rifle in 22.250 with 1/9 twist versus the same rifle in 223 with a 1/7 twist. I just returned from the Varmint Hunters Association Midwest Regional Match (had a great time!) and observed several Savages LRPV's in 223 with 1/7 twist. These rifles were shooting extremely well with 77 or 80 grain Sierra and or Berger bullets. I shot a 308 and feel like I can shoot a 223 or 22.250 more accurately (less recoil) so I'm looking at one of these rifles. They shoot at distances up to 400 yards and with the wind (which there was plenty of) the heavier bullets definitely have an advantage. The 22.250 with 1/9 twist can shoot up to 75 grain bullets and I've heard even the 77 grainers. It seems logical that shooting the same bullet weight the 22.250 with more velocity would possess a significant advantage - am I correct?

The LRPV's are very nice rifles however I can get the Savage VLP varmint rifle with the same twists for several hundred dollars cheaper (unfortunately no target trigger just the standard accu-trigger).

I welcome all comments.

I have the 22-250 LRPV with 1-9 twist & love it!

I do not know how it compares to the 223 with a fast twist, but my LRPV (22-250) with the 1-9 shoots the 69gr matchkings VERY well. I have not loaded anything heavier as there was no need to;)!
The trigger is great on the target action, far better than I can get on my XR-100 Remington.
The reason I went with the 22-250 for both rifles was for the bolt face. When the first one goes south I will rebarrel for a 6 Dasher or 30BR.
Both shoot well but the LRPV kicks the XR-100's butt every time.
Maybe someone with the 223 fast twist can add their comments.
I worked up a load for a friend of mine in the 22-250 it too liked the 69 SMK VERY well. He wants to play with the 75 Bergers and it looked like they had promise. If it were mine I would leave well enough alone and shoot the 69 grainers. I would spend the extra $$ for the LRPV. I don't know the difference in cost but if you equip the other model with a Jewell there is $200 of the bat. I'm not much a Savage guy but I believe the LRPV is worth the money and if I were in the market It would be my next purchase in a factory gun!