Savage s/shot action accuracy potential



For those who have experimented with the single shot action, what do you think about the accuracy potential of this action compared to a blueprinted Remington? I understand that it is sensitive to torquing. This is not meant to start a war. I am just searching for opinions. I am considering buying an F-Class Savage in 6mmBR. My gunsmith is actually interested in experimenting with the Savage but believes that the conventional shoulder (such as on the Remington) has more accuracy potential than the nut. Thoughts???
ok here go's, I have 2 savage model 12 LRPV's one in 223 rem for factory match's( VFS @ MGGOA twin oaks range/gun club) and one in 30 br to shoot IBS VFS match's
#1) factory all the way, shoots 53 fowler,uber 52 berger or 53 sierra's in one hole, but, it's a well worked hand load in lapua brass with vitv powder, factory accu-trigger too
# 2)started with same savage target action, got a sharpeshooter supply custom benchrest trigger, rock creek LV taper barrel chambered and install by "humble herny rivers" WITHOUT the nut (just because I wanted to do it that way), stocked by zane athey, same glass as my panda VFS IBS gun, it shoots just as good as my panda I just haven't had but one chance to shoot it in a match and then i went 1/2 ass prepared and left the rear bag it likes @ home so i shot the other bag and it showed in score
I also had a regular old hunting action(repeater) that i did load work on that a friend "built/assembled" with a Sharpeshooter shilen barrel (no turn neck)that i bedded in a factory stock and it shoot great, in fact adrain van gorder shot it in a winter league match( he had never seen rifle before either) and finished 3rd, if the owner would put a good trigger in it it would be a bugholer too
SOOOOO,, nut or no nut, up to you either way works GREAT, amd if your a shooter with a barrel vise and action wrench you know either way is quick and easy to switch barrels
Lock up with the Savage single or mag fed action will be better then a blueprinted Rem.

It is not until you bush the Rem bolt body to lock up tight in the action that things even out.

As for accuracy, more depends on the barrel and chamber then the action.

I have built a dozen Savage/Stevens rifles using shoulder and nut install. Both shoot as good as their barrel should allow. I saw no difference between either style of install.

I use the nut more often due to ease of buying ready to install barrels.

I kinda thought that there might not be much of a difference between the Remington and the Savage. However I figured with the Savage being a single shot (stiffer), it might allow a larger barrel to be used.
I have a 1.25 dia X 30 inch barrel hanging on the sav target action, fitted without nut. Action and 2 inches of barrel are bedded, The more I shoot that gun the more I like the target action. The Sav action does need some truing work.

I built a 6 br LRPV with a shilen barrel fitted without the barrel nut and a few weeks ago shot a 249-12X at an informal match at the local club. It was on handloads and it was the second rifle I chambered with only basic action truing. I believe that it is on par with the average 700 type action and for most people it is more than adequate.

I built a 6 br LRPV with a shilen barrel fitted without the barrel nut and a few weeks ago shot a 249-12X at an informal match at the local club. It was on handloads and it was the second rifle I chambered with only basic action truing. I believe that it is on par with the average 700 type action and for most people it is more than adequate.

Nice Shoot'n Valiant.
Correct me if I'm wrong but "IF" you were a clean 250 with the 12x's you would have finished well better than ya did. Certianly top 10 and possibly top 5... Just depends on how many clean 250's were shot then X count.

That's damn fine with a mostly factory rifle. Little more time/practice and you'll be IN contention for the WIN...!

Also your doin this with a 6mm rather than a 30... Again EXCELLENT shooting!

Keep up the excellent shooting and ...... Go Gettem in a registered VFS match!
