


Is 550 a fair price for the 64 action, HB, Don Stith benchrest stock ???
Do they shoot well or will I be disapointed ? I want to shoot sporter BR with it.
Man says it shoot wolf & SK very well.

Any comments are welcome.

Semper fi
New Don Stith stocks run from $175 to about $250 with some finishing work required but IIRC they only come inletted for the Anshutz 54 action. Are you sure you have a 64 action?

Other than that I'd say if it shoots good scores buy it.
Hambone, you have stumbled on an issue that ammuses some of us on a regular basis. No, the seller probably does not know because he has no frame of reference.

Amuses me too.

When I was in the market for an Anschutz a few years back, I made a point of having a leading rimfire gunsmith show me the differences between the various actions and stock options etc.
It is marked Savage/Anschutz model 64 match. I need a stock so I can shoot sporter with it. Anyone know where to fid one.
It has a 3" forend, not legal for sporter.
Call Don Stith..........I done one about 2 years ago it truned out well. Tell him what you are doing and he will be very helpful.
Jim Mullican