Savage 12 barrel thread pitch and length.



A friend has asked me to machine a barrel for his Savage 12 heavy in 6,5x284. Does anyone have the dimensions, or do I need to just wait and measure his barrel?

Personally, I would wait for the action and recoil lug he is going to use. You can thread the barrel but I doubt the total DOC will be correct unless you have the exact same profile on your insert. I have the 20UNJ inserts for the barrel and I'm sure I took a tiny bit more than .032" total doc, my skimpy notes are in the shop. Now that I did a few, I MIGHT be able to pre-thread one without the action since I can compare it to my inserts.

The major diameter spec is 1.055 and I measured several at 1.60" length, which I think is about .050" too long. Again I don't have my notebook so I don't know the shouldered length, obviously it depends on the recoil lug thichness.
Thanks Rob

At this point, I'll be waiting, since the flood of responses, with dimensions from experienced gunsmiths in this matter, has not come.

I'm not afraid of prethreading and chambering if I had the tolerances, but I do not, so, I'll be measuring Mike's barrel and action.
