I bought this gun used it appeared to be in good shape with accutrigger and did have sights on it from what I can tell. I wiped down the light surface rust with oiled rag and decided to clean the bore real good. I used a patch worm but, the patches went through too easy seemed to me I took it today just to scope it in 30-06 it didn't seem to want to group as well as I expected. well I took it home and this time when I pulled patches through they were much tighter and made the normal squeaking noises as I pulled them through. is this a possible sign of heavy copper fouling? I used remington 40-x bore cleaner and also Hoppe's 9 I have a new 30 cal. bronze brush should I maybe scrub the barrel real good with that and the rem. bore cleaner? I thought about getting some of the foam type cleaner some have used. How can I tell if it has a lot of copper fouling? my eyes aren't what they used to be but, with my magnifier the crown looks really good. what's the odds of the barrel being shot out on an accutrigger model in this caliber? Thanks for any advice hade hoppes soaking while I typed this just pulled a patch through which came out real blue looking? Thanks!