Savage 1:9 LPRV .223 loads



Savage 12 LPRV 1:9 twist in a McMillan A2 stock with aluminum bedding block. The OAL is to the lands for my chamber. Should be within a few thousandths for someone with the same model rifle. (I used the Hornady tool to find it. Remember each bullet is different).

These are all with once fired LC 09 brass. I have had good luck with it. Better than with the RP or Winchester. Oddly the Fiocchi GFL brass (50 pieces)I have had good luck with also). No pressure signs.

205 Match Primers

Nosler BT 55g #39526 (not the 250 round Varmint pack ones, I think they are different)/Varget 24.9 OAL 2.332
Pretty foregiving with Varget. I can shoot from 24.6 to 25.9 and still be within 1/2"- One hole at 24.9 though.

Sierra 69 BTHP MK #1380- OAL 2.332 (2.342 to lands). 26.0 Varget (someone else on another forum had the exact same results on another forum, can't remember the name but his lands measurements were within 0.002 of mine. One hole (not a cloverleaf, one hole).

75 A-max's. Using RL15 and Varget I can't seem to get these dialed in. I keep gettin 2 about 1 hole then a flyer from 1/2 to 2" off. They are not keyholing..

so that is positive. Gonna try some viht n140 when I can get some. Recommended from Walt at Berger for the 70s and 73s.

Speaking of which, my initial OCW testing on those is promising. Using Varget, and checking POI I shot 18 rounds inside a quarter with 3 different Varget charges from 24.0, 24.5, and 25.0 (Berger says 24.8 is max, so watch for pressure signs) on both the 9 shots for the 70s and the 9 shots for the 73s. Each of those groups were touching each other (25.0 with the 73s pushed it outside of a nickel).

Gonna do 24.3, 24.5, and 24.7 now to validate and then mess with the lengths. Used 2.340 for the 70 and 2.375 for the 73 which put it at the lands.

Also, I have had better luck with the Nosler CC 77grains then the Amax's oddly enough. I have those shooting 5/16th without playing around with OAL. 24.8 Varget. The bergers both have better Ballistic Coefficients thought so I am gonna just use the rest of the box for foulers.

Email me at jjkuchar at gmail and I can shoot the excel spreadsheet I am using.

Hope this help some people.
When I get a chrony for xmas I will add that info

Ballistic coefficients
Nos 55g BT (orange) .267BC/.157 sect density
Sierra 69 BTHP 1380 .317BC/.196 sect. dens.
Berger 70 VLD .371BC
Berger 73 BTHP Target Match .343BC
Hornady A-max 75 .435BC/.214SD
Nosler Custom Comp BTHP 77g only .340/219sect density

Looking at this, if your rifle can shoot 'em, -Amax, Berger 70, Berger 73, then Sierra 69s are probably the way to go.
The 69s are proven and will give you better velocity range then the a-max would be my guess. Just gotta see what the 70 VLDs can do.
This is what Berger sent me.
Walt Berger
Berger Bullets
Technical Adviser

223 Rem
Bullet Powder Start Load Approximate Start Velocity Max Load Approximate Max Velocity Fill Ratio
70 Grain H4895 21.5 2622 24.1 2906 99.3%
70 Grain VARGET 22.0 2650 24.8 2968 100.5%
70 Grain VIHT N140 22.0 2649 24.9 2964 103.4%
70 Grain RE-15 22.0 2603 24.7 2920 100.6%
70 Grain WIN 748 22.5 2703 25.4 3035 96.2%
70 Grain NORMA 202 21.5 2660 24.0 2941 99.4%
70 Grain IMR 4064 22.0 2641 24.8 2964 103.3%
70 Grain AA 2520 22.5 2650 25.7 3019 98.3%
70 Grain VIHT N540 23.0 2613 26.0 2943 101.5%
70 Grain Ramshot Tac 22.0 2665 24.9 2991 96.7%
70 Grain H322 21.0 2760 23.0 2985 93.7%
70 Grain H335 22.5 2731 24.9 2998 93.8%
70 Grain AA 2230 21.5 2616 24.1 2916 92.2%
70 Grain VIHT N133 20.5 2640 23.0 2901 97.9%
70 Grain BL-C(2) 23.0 2685 25.8 3004 96.7%
70 Grain VIHT N135 22.0 2687 24.6 2969 104.8%
70 Grain Benchmark 20.5 2608 22.7 2852 93.5%
70 Grain IMR 4895 21.0 2651 23.3 2938 106.3%

223 Rem
Bullet Powder Start Load Approximate Start Velocity Max Load Approximate Max Velocity Fill Ratio
73 Grain H4895 21.5 2593 24.0 2860 98.3%
73 Grain VARGET 22.5 2679 24.7 2923 99.5%
73 Grain VIHT N140 22.5 2638 24.7 2906 102.1%
73 Grain RE-15 22.0 2581 24.5 2868 99.3%
73 Grain WIN 748 22.0 2621 24.3 2880 91.5%
73 Grain NORMA 202 21.0 2577 23.2 2820 95.5%
73 Grain IMR 4064 21.5 2559 23.7 2808 98.1%
73 Grain AA 2520 22.0 2570 24.5 2852 93.2%
73 Grain VIHT N540 23.5 2641 25.8 2888 103.2%
73 Grain Ramshot TAC 21.5 2583 23.8 2837 91.9%
73 Grain BL-C(2) 22.5 2649 24.8 2924 100.3%
73 Grain H335 21.5 2592 23.7 2833 88.3%
73 Grain VIHT N135 22.0 2658 24.5 2921 103.8%
73 Grain Benchmark 21.0 2634 23.5 2881 95.4%
73 Grain IMR 4895 21.0 2633 23.3 2914 106.3%
Hi Justin,
The two powders you list are quite popular as is Viht N140 for these two bullets in the 0.223 Rem. Load data was generated using Quick Load a 24 inch barrel a COAL (cartridge over all length) of 2.260 inches and your COAL and velocity could be a little different.

If we can be of any additional help feel free to contact us.
Thanks for your interest and have a great day.

Walt Berger
Berger Bullets
Technical Adviser

Super friendly and helpful peeps over there.

Hope this helps some people. I know I looked all over the place and found bits and pieces, but often times there was one or two factors that were different and didn't line up with my setup, i.e. 1:8 twist, etc.

I am gonna use Walts advice and try the viht n140. One thing I have noticed when using different brass, is I seem to get the best load when it the powder is just compressed. I will have to do some more research on that as a comparison to OAL. The OCW(Optimal Charge Weight-google it, good read) method rather than the ladder method seems to save some time with load development also. I know that will be my starting point for my .260AI when it is finished. I am excited about slapping that new Vortex Razor on and seeing what it can do.
75 A-max's. Using RL15 try 21.7grains . Slow but at 100yds should like the results. Works in several rifles bolts and semi autos. with the following powders. RL 15 H4895 Benchmark and IMR 4064.
Try some 52/53gr match bullets.

Fiocchi primer pockets were tight on me in general. Made for difficult seating. LC 08 is nice. Mainly, I use R-P.

R15, Varget, AA2230, and Benchmark have worked pretty well for me.
AA2230 covers a lot of territory. Some have good luck with the R15 and Varget in lighter bullets, but AA 2230 and Benchmark did better in the lighter bullets.

Hornady 68gr may be another good one. I do .6in with 69gr SMK and 75gr Hornady BTHP. 75gr A-Max is much different animal than the BTHP.
Try 23.3Gr H4895 with 69gr SMK CCI 400 Primers. Federal Brass, 2.26"OAL
Should put 10rnds inside a dime.
Got the SMKs shooting well for this rifle. Just hoping I could get Amax to fly consistent. :( Hopefully these 70 bergers can be my final answer. Ill know by the end of next week hopefully.