Sat. May 15th Southampton, MA IR 50/50



The first IR 50/50 matches at the Easthampton Fish & Game in Southampton, MA will be held this Saturday, May 15.

Sign-in begins at 8:00 with the 3-gun match starting promptly at 9:00.

Lunch will either be available at the club house, or I will provide sandwiches, water, soda, etc.

Following lunch the UL match will start.

If possible, let me know if you are coming, so I can get a head count for lunch.

If you need directions, or have questions, please send me an email or give me a call. My phone number is in the IR 50/50 "Contacts" area.

Sorry to miss your first match at Southampton. I hope my guns do well. On the good side I have not seen them for sale on the classified!
Will make your second match as long as the knee operation today does well.


Penny and I are looking forward to shooting at your first match at Easthampton.

The weather is looking very promising, sunny and warm. But that is what we should expect as "you know who" can't come. ;)

Paul, have you checked the classifieds on the new board? :rolleyes: Good luck with your operation! We are looking forward to seeing you back in full operation soon.

I plan on attending and I will be shooting my two new guns. One of the guns I call Bad Brad the other is a pretty blond Sako :D
Wow Doug! I bet you built them guns yourself. I heard Paul lent you the raw materials.

Paul - you'll be missed -- take good care of yourself.

Looking forward to seeing everybody.

Hope someone takes pictures!

Please post some pictures. Sure wish I could make your first match.

My knee surgery went well.:) See you soon.

Doug, Ask Penny and AL about the SAKO as Al put it together and Penny shot it well. Hope your rest will adj to it. Even if you use your car jack and sock:D

David might even shoot a card with his old 40X.

Looking forward to the results.

I'm bummed that I'm going to have to miss your first match. If we get done with my stepdaughters college graduation ceremony on time, we'll stop by to say hello and check out the range on the way home. Hope you all shoot 250's at the first Easthampton match!
Unless something very unforeseen happens I'm hoping to be there early enough to help with the set-up. Plus, if we end up needing more than one relay why don't you and I split our shooting time with you running and scoring one relay, then I'll run and score the next. That should help things go a little quicker and smoother. And we can do the same for both matches if need be.

Look forward to seeing you and hearing about your knees.

You'll be missed, but glad the surgery went well. And yes, I will definitely shoot at least one target with the Ol' 40X in your honor, that is unless the Suhl has run clean throughout, and then I'll just set up a "For Sale" table to lighten the load by one gun for the ride home. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Todd and Kathy,
Do you mean to tell me that a graduation one-ups an Inaugural Shoot? Or are you telling me you want to actually bear witness to your stepdaughter's accomplishment, plus the lessening of one heck of a debt load.

Al, Penny and Doug,
Be looking out for you on "The Pike". :cool: :eek: :confused:

See whoever shows up tomorrow, and looking forward to it.

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Pete - Glad you're making the drive down.

Dave - Don't rush - two of the club members will be there (Don and Walt) to help get things set up.

We can definitely switch off with scoring if 2 relays are required. I appreciate the offer.

Todd - if you have the time, definitely stop by.

See everyone tomorrow.
