Sanctioned Targets

Sanctioned Target Proposal was passed by Board of Directors:

Targets will be professionally printed on 11"x17" 80 pound (175 gsm) white Vellum Bristol paper, using an accurate to scale approved pdf file.

Sale price of targets will be set nearly as practical to actual printing, handling, and shipping cost. This program is not intended to generate above cost revenue for USARB.

Use of sanctioned targets distributed by USARB to sanctioned clubs and their members shall be voluntary for the years 2014-2015, to allow existing target stocks to be depleted. During this interim, the Board of Directors does encourage the use of sanctioned targets in an effort to promote higher standards and facilitate access.

Use of sanctioned targets distributed by USARB to sanctioned clubs and their members shall be mandatory beginning the year 2016. As mandatory, only sanctioned targets will be approved for use in submittal of Record scores, submittal of Scoreline scores, and any sanctioned club, or Regional competition events. A similar or equivalent target may be used at competition events utilizing electronic scoring methods at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Mandatory use requirement does not preclude the use of other targets for unsanctioned events or practice sessions.

This program will be managed by an individual member of the Board of Directors on a rotational basis. Responsibility will generally transfer each calendar year.

All proceeds derived from sale of targets will be directly received, or forwarded to the responsible member as compensation of incurred costs.

For the remaining year and for the year 2015 targets can be purchased by contacting

Target price is: $20.00 for 100 in shrink wrapped.
Shipping cost: For 100 targets Fed/Ex ground will be used, will vary depending on area.
For 200-300 targets Fed/Ex One Rate -3 day will be used. The cost again will vary from $15.00 to $18.50 max for under 50lbs.

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Joe - excellent!

As a "side reminder", and this may not be within the possibility, have a zillion printed at once. The paper and the printed material should be verified prior to letting the press roll to save a costly mistake. This is not a good place to save money!

Having thought for a moment...I can't recall a good place to save money.....
Clarification Request

Greetings Joe,

Can you please be very specific, and provide some clarification on the line:

" A facsimile target may be used at competition events utilizing electronic scoring methods at the discretion of the Board of Directors."

Thank you

Sanctioned targets

Well done Gentlemen.

Frank Tirrell
Greetings Joe,

Can you please be very specific, and provide some clarification on the line:

" A facsimile target may be used at competition events utilizing electronic scoring methods at the discretion of the Board of Directors."

Thank you


Hello Garrett,

Our apologies, facsimile was an error. It has been edited, to include similar or equivalent, which allows the Orion system you are using.


I am long retired from the printing trade, but I do have a suggestion. Where the targets we use were originally designed to fit onto the European sized A3 paper means we need to use paper of at least 16.54"x11.69". We found that to accomplish this we needed to use 12"x18" paper especially where all presses and copiers need top, bottom and side margins (gripper edges) where nothing can be printed.

I'm sure the printer you find can then trim the targets down from the 18" length, if you want, but it's really not necessary as our current supplier actually copies them onto 12x18" paper, and we use them as they come.

If 11x17" is used we found because of the necessary margins you loose either the top set of lines from the first row target boxes, the bottom set of lines from the fifth row, or both unless the targets were slightly reduced (which in most cases can automatically happen unless the paper being used is of the proper size in order to fit the content onto), and that doesn't work because then the targets won't be of the "Offical" size.

Just make sure when checking for accuracy that any, and all, of the targets measure exactly 39mm across the outer edges of the 5 Ring, then you'll be fine. Once that's been accomplished all follow-up orders "should" repeat exactly.

As for paper availability: 11x17 is easily available in a multitude of weights and finishes and comes in case lots of 2500 sheets per box, plus some of the 12x18 is also availably that way. But, because of using 80# White Vellum Bristle, to be printed on the 12x18" sheet size would probably require them to buy the stock in Parent sizes, which are available from 24X36" (meaning they'd get 4 out with no waste) and up, then cut the paper down (in stacks of ±50 to 100 sheets at a time) to the smaller 12x18" size. As long as the shop is equipped with a press larger enough to handle 12x18" sheets, the cutting, and any trimming after the fact, will become only a part of the job and is no big deal.

Dave Shattuck
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Thanks Dave for the info.

These targets were printed 12x18" on sheets, trimmed down to 11x17" then shrink wrapped per 100. The pdf file used was secured, there were no alterations done to the file.

The gentleman gave me a tour and explained the process of what types of machinery and presses they use to complete a customer's order.

The different types of machinery used to produce their final product to the customer was impressive.
They were running 4 presses all Heidelberg's from 4-8 colors in one of their buildings. I was blown away and amazed how big some of those presses are, would have never given it much thought until you see them in action. Very impressive.

My wife and I used to go to lots of Print Show, and let me tell you, when you are there the folks from Heidelberg, and all the others, would have all of everything running to impress. You just stood back - with your jaw down around your ankles - watching and listening to these things hum when in full action. And, you talk about spending some money in a hurry? Buy one of those and you'll lighten your wallet.

Glad to hear your response.
