San Diego airguners BR50 match. 4-17-11



Yes it's that time again for the dreaded BR50 target , the real test for acracy and at only 25 yards... every time this comes around everyone runs for higher ground. they repaved the range so it should be good . weather is going to be great . don't know about the devil winds tho..maybe thats what scares the soso shooters away.;) can't beat the coffee and donuts.. back to the devil wind-he's not here every time and if he's back it's a good time to get a handle on shooting in the wind.. so don't be afraid just show up for the fun.. same place and time. police range on federal av. 8:30 am Sunday.H.B.:)
Sorry, can't make it. As yo know, I have a monthly shoot scheduled the same day. We will be using the World target, in hopes of bettering previous efforts.
hope you have weighed and have the right lube on them -what cal are you useing?? jsb's or C P'S ? watch that Roger also Al if he's there . you should have the wind down by now. from what I have read elsewhere stay away from the crony you should also have the lube down by now .. just go for the score and don't worry about the speed or standerd deviation and you should do good. to bad you have to miss our match on Sunday.H.B.