San Diego airguners big world target match..



that's right on 8-7-11 for all you guys out there that couldn't make it back east to shoot in the big world match now's your chance to be a winner in our Big world target bash this Sunday at the police range on federal ave 8:30 - noon.:)
LD-thanks are you back home ? if you are just drop in we will have a bench for you. but beware of those devil winds.H.B.
I took it by the i nvite that those attending the "real Worlds" werent welcome. re:

"for all you guys out there that couldn't make it back east to shoot in the big"
EVERYONE IS WELCOME ! no mather how good or bad you shoot.this just might be your lucky day.and you don't have to jump through all thoses can use any pellet or gun you want -how about don't even need wind flags if you have a good eye. you just can't beat it. and it's a cool 76 deg with a breeez.H.B.
I alredy got about as lucky as I might at the REAL World's last week by placing fourth in the HV class and seventh overall in the combined LV/HV aggegate. I been ketchin up on chores on the ranch that built up while I was gone, and restin' up some, so i'll wait til my next regualrly scheduled match here at my place to shoot BR again.