San Antonio shooting and media coverage



Another case of media bias:

San Antonio Theater Shooting

On Sunday December 17, 2012, 2 days after the CT shooting, a man went to a restaurant in San Antonio to kill his X-girlfriend. After he shot her, most of the people in the restaurant fled next door to a theater. The gunman followed them and entered the theater so he could shoot more people. He started shooting and people in the theater started running and screaming. It’s like the Aurora, CO theater story plus a restaurant!

Now aren’t you wondering why this isn’t a lead story in the national media along with the school shooting?

There was an off duty county deputy at the theater. SHE pulled out her gun and shot the man 4 times before he had a chance to kill anyone. So since this story makes the point that the best thing to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun, the media is treating it like it never happened.

Only the local media covered it. The city is giving her a medal next week.

Just thought you’d like to know.

I remain disgusted with the media’s deliberate attempt to whitewash news while at the same time creating their own narrative for whatever sinister reasons.

My son emailed me this
Thanks Vinny for reporting this, I wonder why people on this site from the local area didn't mention it. Sure is good info to have.
Thanks Vinny for reporting this, I wonder why people on this site from the local area didn't mention it. Sure is good info to have.

There in lies the problem! When the media gives you only the truths they want you to know they then become a danger and an enemy to our Freedom.
I think the confidentiality law for mental doctors should be lifted so they can report any one who is dangerous to the law. They can then check to see they don't have access to guns.

I emailed a link to your post to a shrink that shoots in our gun club.
He said you're crazy.
I think the confidentiality law for mental doctors should be lifted so they can report any one who is dangerous to the law. They can then check to see they don't have access to guns.

I think this is very short-sighted and an illustration of why our Representative Republic is better than a Democracy. Not perfect but BETTER.

"the road to hell is paved with good intentions"
