bob finger
Salisbury, MD Ir50/50 Unlimited results May 15
8 shooters in attendance with thunder clouds threatening rain, but had none. When the sun came through the mirage was a killer tho.
UL-1 yards
1st Carla Kephart 246-11X
2nd Cliff Phillips 244-14X
3rd Scott Kephart 240-8X
UL-2 yards
1at Carla Kephart 249-13X
2nd Bob Finger 248-14X
3rd Cliff Phillips 248-10X
UL-3 yards
1st Carla Kephart 248-14X
2nd Bob Finger 246-17X
3rd Charlie Wilkins 246-11X
Did you notice Carla cleaned up on us? This was her very first IR50 match. Well done, Carla! Oh and she did it with a borrowed gun and rest too. (ya mine). Next match at Salisbury, MD is June 19, sign up at 1330. bob
8 shooters in attendance with thunder clouds threatening rain, but had none. When the sun came through the mirage was a killer tho.
UL-1 yards
1st Carla Kephart 246-11X
2nd Cliff Phillips 244-14X
3rd Scott Kephart 240-8X
UL-2 yards
1at Carla Kephart 249-13X
2nd Bob Finger 248-14X
3rd Cliff Phillips 248-10X
UL-3 yards
1st Carla Kephart 248-14X
2nd Bob Finger 246-17X
3rd Charlie Wilkins 246-11X
Did you notice Carla cleaned up on us? This was her very first IR50 match. Well done, Carla! Oh and she did it with a borrowed gun and rest too. (ya mine). Next match at Salisbury, MD is June 19, sign up at 1330. bob