Salem USARB Indoor Scoreline Results from 3/13 and 3/20


New member
We shot back to back weekend matches at Salem this month, both with 4 shooters attending. On 3/13, John Eroh from Cape Cod made the 250 mile trip to join locals John French, Pete Roberson and I for a double indoor match. Everyone but me shot the same rifle for both classes. Results from those matches are as follows:
Match 1
Todd Banks (RAW TM-1000)--247-10X, 249-9X, 247-12X=743-31X
Pete Roberson (AA HFT 500)- 247-9X, 247-5X, 242-5X= 736-19X
John Eroh (AA S500?)- 242-7X, 241-6X, 237-3X= 720-16X

John French (AA MPR 400)- 243-6X, 240-4X, 242-5X= 725-15X

Match 2
John French-237-11X, 246-9X, 242-7X=725-27X

Todd Banks (RAW TM-1000X)- 249-9X, 246-13X, 248-17X= 743-39X
Pete Roberson- 246-7X, 243-4X, 245-7X=734-18X
John Eroh- 243-6x, 241-8X, 245-5X= 729-19X

We shot again yesterday with club member Art Binley taking John Eroh's place to fill our 4 bench range. Art has been steadily upgrading his equipment since he began shooting with us a few months ago, and it paid off for him yesterday. He steared his Open Class RAW HM-1000 with a custom .22 rimfire barrel to his first official 250 ( he shot one in practice last week) and had the highest overall score in Match 2. GREAT JOB ART!!! Here are the full results from yesterday's matches:

Match 1
Todd Banks--248-13X, 247-9X, 250-10X=745-32X
Pete Roberson--247-10X, 248-9X, 248-8X= 743-27X
John French--244-3X, 245-8X, 244-9X= 733-20X

Art Binley (HM-1000) --245-10X, 245-9X, 249-13X= 739-32X

Match 2
Todd Banks- 249-12X, 247-8X, 247-16X= 743-36X
Pete Roberson- 247-10X, 246-6X, 250-13X= 743-29X
John French- 238-6X, 244-12X, 249-12X= 731-30X

Art Binley-- 246-10X, 250-8X, 248-16X= 744-34X

Our next indoor match is scheduled for Sunday, 4/17, and we will probably add another Sunday match, date depending on our locals' personal schedules.
We're all looking forward to getting out of our drafty indoor range and shooting outdoors again. At least when we miss out there, we know it's because the flags lied to us;)
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