Salem Results 6/17



We held our second AGBR match at Salem this evening with Dan Gibeault and I shooting our .177 Walther LGR's in Match class. The conditions were just a little tricky with temps in the low 70's, clouds, sun, and winds from 0-15mph(mostly 5-10mph) from everywhere. You really learn to appreciate a 10 in conditions like that with the Match guns!

Dan shot RWS R-10's on the first target and found out that wadcutters don't work well in the wind. He switched to CPL's on the last two, and did better. We need to find a pellet that his gun likes a little better. I'm supposed to be working at his house tomorrow, but I have a feeling we'll be spending some time "working" on the three bench range in his yard. Paul Bendix gave me a bunch of test lots to try, and hopefully the right one is in there.

I shot H&N Silhouettes. Here are our scores:
Target 1:
Todd Banks-----231-OX
Dan Gibeault----197-0X

Target 2:
Todd Banks-----237-2X
Dan Gibeault----228-0X

Target 3:
Todd Banks-----238-3X
Dan Gibeault----225-1X

Todd Banks-----706-5X
Dan Gibeault----650-1X

We had a club member stop by to watch the match, and he has a Springer on order. He'll be joining us when it comes in. Pete Roberson ran the line and scored for me tonight. Maybe we'll get him to give Airguns a try sometime soon, too.
Looking forward to the next match,
Todd and Dan good shooting

My left thumb is still hurting from the one target I shot two weeks ago from my Walther. I could never do 3 targets. I will have to shoot the springer I bought from Todd, indoors some match soon. See you at PM.
