Salem Range Flooded

Pete Roberson

New member
Due to the range being flooded the UL IR 50/50 shoot scheduled for Today 8/31
will be moved to next week 9/7, same time, same place!

With this same flood our range master Todd Banks and his wife Kathy along with Bear and Maxx ( their two German Sheppard's for the few that haven't met them at a range some where)were also flooded from there home!
The water has receded and the fire department pumped the water out of the basement now it's inspections and clean up if all the inspections go well clean up will be this weekend and hopefully back in by next week some time?!

I hope everyone is doing fine, and also hope Todd and Kathy didn't have anything of value stored in the basement.

Todd and Kathy

Glad you were safe and the water has receeded. Will be thinking of you.

Paul Bendix
Gordon and Mel Eck
Does anyone know how they faired through the storm??? Todd, hope things get back to normal quickly for you and your wife.
Had contact with Mel...they're OK, just no power or phone.

I spoke with Gordon last night, he is a little grumpy and the power company has told them they should have power by next week sometime. Living on the hill kept them mostly dry.
Todd, Kathy, Bear and Maxx,
I'm sure that you'll get past this and "laugh"! .... well, maybe not laugh! ... our thoughts are with you. If you need anything, please let me know.

I spoke with Gordon last night, he is a little grumpy and the power company has told them they should have power by next week sometime. Living on the hill kept them mostly dry.

Gordon will be fine as long as he doesn't run out of cookies ..........Mel is up and running from what he told me today .
I'm wondering how that road to Gordon's has faired. It has a small creek that crosses it a couple times and I'm sure on Sunday, that creek wasn't so small. I live on a river and it was as high as I've ever seen it. It was over the bank across from me, but my side is high enough that we were Ok. Had some big White Pine and Hemlock trees come down in the forest behind my house but thankfully the ones near the house stayed up. It's going to take months to repair all the damage to the infastructure.