Salem Pistol and Rifle Club results, 5/31


New member
We had 4 shooters yesterday for our first weekend match of the year. Paul Bendix made the 250 mile trip to join locals John French, Rick Igraham and I for two 3 target USARB matches. The weatherman was calling for temps in the low 70's with periods of sun, a slight chance of showers and "just some light breezes"....Apparently the weatherman isn't an air rifle benchrest shooter! As we were setting our flags out at 8:30am we already knew we were in for a rough day. John jokingly suggested we move the match indoors. Winds (not breezes!) were already between 5-10mph and the flags were whipping back and forth rapidly. We stuck it out even as the winds increased to 20mph during the afternoon match.

Here are the results:
Morning match,
USA Hybrid Class-
Paul Bendix (Thomas Rifle)- 234-6X, 230-1X, 233-5X=706-12X

LV Class
Todd Banks (RAW TM1000) 242-1X, 245-5X, 244-7X=731-13X
Rick Ingaham (AA EV-2) 245-7X, 242-5X, 239-5X=726-17X. Rick hadn't shot the EV-2 in over 2 years.
John French (AA 400FT) 234-3X, 224-2X, 234-1X=692-6X

We broke for a hot dog bbq with homemade pasta salad and hot dog sauce that John supplied and then set up for afternoon match. Paul and Rick broke out the big guns while John and I shot HV with the same rifles we used in the morning for LV.

Open Class
Paul Bendix (SUMO) 247-5X, 236-5X, 243-8X= 726-18X

HV Class
Rick Ingraham (Dawson) 239-3X, 243-5X, 237-4X= 719-11X
Todd Banks (TM-1000) 240-5X, 228-3X, 242-4X= 710-12X
John French (AA 400FT) 235-1X, 217-2X, 242-7X = 694-10X

Our next weekend match is the NorthEast Regional, June 28-29th. See you all then,
Todd Banks
Pictures to follow when I figure out how to resize and upload them from my wifes PC:confused: You can veiw them here in the meantime-,+5-31
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Thanks for having the match and, hopefully, you had all the wind I was expecting for the N.E.R. And you obviously must have had some pretty significant breezes looking at those scores.

Good shooting with some fine eats too boot. That in itself would have made the trip worth while.

See you all at the end of the month.
