Salem Pistol and Rifle Club results, 5/28


New member
We shot our first match at Salem since last years NE Regional last evening with three shooters in attendance. Rick Ingraham, John French and I met for the first of our summer Wed. evening shoots with John and I shooting LV and Rick shooting HV. Conditions were decent with temps in the high 50's and winds 0-5mph. Those 0 winds bit us in the you-know-where more than once with unexplained shots into the 8 ring on occasion!

Here are the scores:
Todd Banks (TM-1000, AA 8.4)- 247-13X, 245-11x, 248-13X=740-37X
John French (AA400FT, AA 8.4)- 246-5x, 241-9x. 245-6x= 732-20x. This was John's first air rifle BR match and he shot from a home made bag setup, with no flags. He's left handed and had his back to our flags. He's also got some health issues that effect his eyesight. Good shooting John!!

Rick Ingraham (Dawson Custom)- 247-9x, 236-6x, 241-5x=724-20x. Rick has been battling cancer and heart problems for two years and it's damn good to have him back at the bench!!!

Our first weekend double match of the year will be this coming Sat., 5/31. The NorthEast Regional Championship will be 6/28-29 and we shoot every Wed. evening starting at 5:30 from now until 9/24.