Salem P&R Sporter match will have a couple of door prizes

Pete Roberson

New member
At the State & Regional Sporter match 7/11 & 12,

We will have a couple of door prizes and a table for anything shooting related that you want to sell!

Gordon Eck has graciously offered his labor to install your barrel, No Charge!!

Salem P&R club is donating a brand new Lilja sporter barrel.

The table set up only requires that you put a tag on it stating price and who to contact!!

See most of you Saturday and a couple Sunday!!

Oh yea don't forget Ted and Keith are bringing lobsters for those that contact them letting them know you will be staying for Saturday night and I believe they still need someone to bring a potato salad?!
Dinner Sat Night-

Right now it looks like we need some potato salad, dessert, and drinks. Pete, if you can get some more water/soda that would be great. Let me know if you are in and if you can bring anything.


Ted Derivan

We need butter, William Colbert said he will bring some Potato Salad, can someone bring 1.5-2lbs of salted butter?


Ted Derivan
Ted / Chris

'll have the soda and water no problem, I will also bring the butter, and I'll be there.

Chris, sorry no adult beverages at the club.
OK Pete

That's why I posted like I did. I wanted to see if it was OK or not No Problem
Just thought that lobster cried out for a cold one....I'll bring something sweet instead
When I picked up the corn...

...I also picked up a couple "Posey county" melons.

Thanks Jim

Jim, Thanks - Have a safe trip out to NY

If anyones got a set of tuner weights they'd like to part with, I have a friend in Australia that would like to purchase a set to bring with me to the WRABF Championship.
See you all this weekend,