Salem P & R Club/ Tom Miller Memorial 8/23/14

Pete Roberson

New member
Salem P & R Club/ Tom Miller Memorial 8/23/14 3 Gun

Looking for a head count for lunch, don't want anyone to go hungry!!!!

As stated in a past thread it will be a one day shoot this year State & Regional yards only.
Shooting will start at 9 AM sharp, sign up when you arrive!

If you are interested in shooting but don't want to shoot sporter you can
still shoot 10.5# and 13.5# for each class award and for the two and 4 gun awards!!
So come on down and have some fun!!

We will also have a table set up for anything you might want to sell, feel free to use it.

All ready have ten signed up!!
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Per our conversation at the last Salem match... I'll be there ... don't got no cranky uncle to bring!

I will be there along with William Colbert. See you Sat.

Ted Derivan
Damm work

Sorry I won't be making it ,just got conned into playing in a work related golf tournament this Sat. with the Sheetmetal Workers.

Just 4 days away

Just around to corner as they say, it will be fun!!

Ted good to hear you and William will be making it!!

Chris sorry to hear you won't make it, maybe next year.

Sorry I won't be making it ,just got conned into playing in a work related golf tournament this Sat. with the Sheetmetal Workers.


When did golf become a sport for sheet metal workers? Blue collar workers ain't supposed to play golf. The world is topsy-turvy. :confused:
Looks like I am going to have to work Saturday and most of Sunday. Very sorry, but for a consolation prize I will send Raid down to liven it up a bit! As the most interesting man in the world almost says "Shoot well my friend".
Sorry to hear that

Sorry to hear that Steve, Yes, looking forward to seeing and talking with Bob!
Looks like one relay and that should go fairly quickly with a good lunch in between!