Salem, NY World Qualifying match, 5/22


New member
We'll be setting aside several benches for interested shooters to try to qualify for the World Airgun Championships this Sunday at our monthly Rimfire match. Shooting starts at 10am with 3 targets shot before lunch and 3 after. Time's running short!

Please let me know if you plan to attend the match so I can have enough lunch for everyone.
Todd Banks
I will be in Maine this weekend. Hope to shoot at John's on Sat. Now if I can find my Turbo!
Was going to see if David and Dan could break free for a mid week match. Wind and Rain put a damper on that. Maybe next week.
You guys are shooting some Great scores along with Kevin.

Hope you have a good weekend "Upta Camp"!(Did you know there's a Maine brewed beer by that name?) Rick is going to shoot Sunday, and I'm hoping to get in a few more aggs myself before the deadline. We shot our rimfire match this evening and I was wishing I'd been able to shoot AG instead! I was surprised when I got to the range....Pete Wass was there to shoot with us!