Salem NY USARB Scoreline match, Sat. 4/27


New member
We'll be hosting our first outdoor match of the season at the Salem Pistol and Rifle Club, 429 Black Creek Rd, Salem NY 12865 next Sat, 4/27. Sign up starts at 8am and the first of 2 three card matches will begin at 9:30am. We'll break for a hot lunch and then shoot 3 more targets. Any USARB/WRABF class may be shot and you can shoot the same class twice. All scores will be submitted to the USARB Scoreline.
Please feel free to contact me by e-mail or call me at 518-796-0768 if you have any questions.
Todd Banks
I will be shooting at Michael's on Sat and at Pete Wass in Maine on Sunday. Hope to put my dock in and connect the water Sunday after Pete's match.

Will make a few matches this season.
