Salem, NY USARB scoreline date changed from Sat. 7/19 to Sun. 7/20, Springers Welcome


New member
Due to a change in my work schedule I've had to reschedule the match originally planned for this Sat. to Sun. We'll shoot 3 targets in the morning with setup and registration beginning at 9am and the first of two 3 target matches starting at 10am. Depending on attendance we'll either shoot the second 3 target match immediately following the first, or break for a quick hot dog bbq lunch before the second match. Please give me a heads up if you plan to attend so I can plan lunch.
If there is enough interest we can divide the Springers/SSP's into three classes-Match(under 7fpe), Sporter (up to 12fpe) and Hunter (up to 20fpe?). I hope some of you Northeast Springer guys will show up to give Benchrest a try. The first rifle I bought to shoot BR was a Walther LGR 10m gun that was capable of shooting in the mid 240's on the old AGBR target (1/8" ten ring) so I know just how accurate even a low powered rifle can be! Come on out and give yours a try!

Please email me at, or call me at 518-796-oh768 for more info, directions to the club or any questions you might have about Air Rifle Benchrest.

As tempting as it is, I'm sorry to say I won't be there. Still fighting with this Kidney Stone issue.

Three clubs invite spring guns

If there is enough interest we can divide the Springers/SSP's into three classes-Match(under 7fpe), Sporter (up to 12fpe) and Hunter (up to 20fpe?). I hope some of you Northeast Springer guys will show up to give Benchrest a try. The first rifle I bought to shoot BR was a Walther LGR 10m gun that was capable of shooting in the mid 240's on the old AGBR target (1/8" ten ring) so I know just how accurate even a low powered rifle can be! Come on out and give yours a try!

Please email me at, or call me at 518-796-oh768 for more info, directions to the club or any questions you might have about Air Rifle Benchrest.

Hey, hey, hey! A call for spring guns on the 19th and 20th of July. Specifically, Montana earlier today with Salem NY and Temecula, CA tomorrow.

My compliments to the three clubs mentioned for taking action to judge springer BR interest across the country.

Best wishes with the competition.