Salem, NY IR50/50 3-Gun and UL, Sun 4/25 Results



We had our first match of the year at Salem today. We got lucky, with the expected rain staying south of us all day. Temps were in the high 50's to low 60's with winds switchy and 0-10mph. We've had some bulldozer work done at the range recently and several shooters commented that it seems to have changed the way the wind affects your bullet. Didn't seem to bother Bob Griffin much, as he won 4 out of 6 targets and the UL match. Good shooting, Bob:)

We had two shooters shoot the new Fun-Fire target, too. Gary Langlois shot his first target of the day with an old semi-auto before being loaned a Suhl to shoot the 10.5 and 13.5lb targets with us, while Jack Szymaszek shot a very respectable 245-4x with a Rem. 511 before switching to the nicest looking CMP 40X I've ever seen and using it to shoot a 250-9X on his third FF target.

Here are the top three scores in each class:
Tim Wagner----------249-12X
Pete Roberson--------249-11X(missed the 250 by the width of a hair!)
Todd Banks----------245-12X

Bob Griffin-----------250-12X
Tim Wagner----------248-16X(Tim had to take his tuner off to make weight...he didn't bother putting it back on for the UL match!)
Pete Roberson-------245-8X

Bob Griffin-----------248-10X
Tim Wagner---------247-13X
Michael Gallant------243-11X

Bob Griffin-----------250-13X
Todd Banks----------245-12X
Tim Wagner----------242-9X

Bob Griffin----------249-15X
Tim Wagner---------248-16X
Pete Roberson-------248-10X

Tim Wagner---------247-16X
Bob Griffin-----------246-13X
Pete Roberson-------246-10X

Thanks for everyone's help with setting up and tearing down!
Thanks for posting the results. Tim and Pete 249's with your sporters:)

Bob Shooting the first 250 at Salem this season:) Then the next target another 250 :) Great Start!

Good shooting everyone:)

thanks for putting on a fun match. Congrats on the new range improvements.

Bob -- Nice 250 and good shooting thoughout the day... Tim and Pete, you guys done good...

Tim - I think you started the next fad for accuracy.. I'm taking the tuner off my gun!!!!
