Salem IR50/50 Results, 5/25


New member
We had our best regular match turnout ever for our match at Salem yesterday, with full benches(twelve shooters) for the 3-gun match and 11 shooters for the UL match. We had shooters from the NYC area, PA, MA, Ulster County, Columbia County and the Syracuse area, outnumbering the locals 9-3.

Conditions were typical for Salem, with temps in the mid 70's and 5-10mph winds from most directions.
I had the pleasure of handing Bob Bain his first ever IR50/50 250 pin for his UL2 winning 250-16X, the only one of the day. Congratulations, Bob!

Michael Gallant also deserves mention for his 2nd place finish in Sporter with a factory stocked Rem 541. His UL3 target would have also been his first IR50/50 250 if he hadn't accidentally fired a shot while pushing the rifle back to battery that landed between the scoring boxes, but cut one of them. His target was clean other than that shot, with 16 X's. We'll have to watch out for Michael this season!

It was also good to meet Mike Tunis, Sr. He shot his first ever match yesterday, and improved by a point on each target, tying Mike Jr. on X's and just 6 points behind him. He was shooting a factory Walther Universal, without a tuner.
The top 3 in each class and the 3-gun are as follows:
Mel Eck--------247-10X
Michael Gallant-243-7X
Todd Banks----242-11X

Todd Banks----249-14X
Gordon Eck----248-11X
Tim Wagner---247-11X

Gordon Eck----249-17X
Bob Bain------248-18X
Pete Roberson-247-14X

Gordon Eck---738-40X
Todd Banks---738-36X
Tim Wagner---735-33X

Todd Banks----249-17X
Ken Alfredo----248-11X
Bob Bain-------246-14X

Bob Bain------250-16X
Todd Banks----249-19X
Ken Henderson-249-15

Ken Alfredo-----249-19X
Bob Bain--------248-16X
Todd Banks-----248-15X

Todd Banks-----746-51X
Bob Bain--------744-46X
Ken Alfredo-----741-38X

Thanks to Pete Roberson for running the line and scoring for the UL match, and to all that helped out with setup, cooking and cleaning up after the match! I'm looking forward to the June match, and putting some of the new benches to use!
Congratulations to Mel, Gordon, Ken, Bob, Todd and all the Grinners. A big congratulations to Bob for his first 250! I'm sure there will be many more.

We all had better keep our eyes on Mike, seems every match he gets better. Keep slugging that coffee Mike. ;)

Thanks for the well run shoot. Great shooting Mel with the sporter win. Todd and Gordon on 10.5 and 13.5 wins. Todd UL=1, Bob Bain 250 for UL-2 and Ken Alfredo on UL-3.
Gordon the Mortor was sending the 7 lb balls over 300 yards with only 400 gr of black power.

Mike great score on your sporter, and also the new gun can shoot 250's Nice looking target took bad the mistake had to just touch the scoring box.
I enjoyed seeing Kevin's airguns. I don't mind the $100 gas bill going to shoots. It's the money for new toys thats a killer. Todd don't forget to bring the springer to PM.
As always, you ran a great match, despite having to leave Kathy at the campground, giving up a fishing day and dealing with us shooters. (Is there any other "whine" I left out) Thanks for your efforts Todd!!!! --- also congrats on the UL agg win. You also gave Gordon a good chase on the 3 gun. Good shooting.

Congrats to Bob on his 250 on UL-2! I believe that was his first.

Thanks to all, it was a great time. A good crowd there at Salem!

...and let's not forget Mel's tremendous skill at cooking them hotdogs! I think Bear enjoyed the one that dropped on the ground the most.

Thanks for putting on the match.
Besides great weather , it was nice to see everyone again. The range is getting better all
the time. Hopefully I'll make it back for the Tom Miller.
That Mortar that Paul has is something else.
Congrats to all the winners!!!!!
Takecare Kevin