Salem IR50/50 3-Gun and UL SOTY, Sun.8/7



Sorry I'm so late announcing this match. I've been a little busy doing interviews with all the major news networks, signing autographs and trying to find an, that's BS. I forgot we had a match this weekend!

Let me know if you plan to attend so I can have enough food on hand. Sign in starts at 8am, commence fire for the 3-gun at 9:30am followed by lunch and the UL match. I will have the Giant Crystal Pellet on display. You can even rub it for good luck if you want:cool:
Todd Banks
Todd, I'm giving serious thought of attending. What's the Club address for my GPS? Congrats on your WC air rifle win!!!

I'll be there. Do I get a Barbara Eden look alike if I rub the pellet?

You did very well at the Worlds also!

Street address for house across the road,
415 Black Creek Rd Salem
Hope that works
Bill, Hope you can make it!
Ken, Nothing out of the GCP yet. Maybe I need to turn it over?
Very big congratulations for your excellent performance at the World!!! You and the rest of the USA Team should be very proud of your achievments.

Unfortunately...but maybe not... Maryellen and I are going up to Gloucester for a week of R&R ... the only electronics allowed is the cell phone. Walks and sunning on Crane's Beach in Ipswich -- clams at Woodman's in Essex -- room on Great Neck with a balcony looking out over the ocean.

Regardless, I would like to be up at Salem shooting with you guys...especially that Ken is going. I want him to 'splain this "quarter" thing to me again.

Have a great time folks.

Michael, Sounds like a great time, and you are excused from the match! I'm headed to Maine myself in less than two weeks.
Take Care,