Salem Indoor World Ind. Postal/USARB Scoreline Results 3/30


New member
We had 4 shooters for our match yesterday. Dan Brown and Mark Normandin made the trip over from New England and Rick Ingraham was able to shoot with us for the first time in a while. Ricks' been have a tough time with his cancer treatments and hasn't been up to joining us for the last few weeks. We shot 6 targets with the first three counting for the World Ind. Postal match for Rick, Mark and I. Dan wishes he could have counted his score instead of the one he turned in last week! Here are the results from Match 1:

Dan Brown (FX Twin, Open Class)- 250-15X, 250-20X, 250-17X= 750-52X
Todd Banks (EV-2)- 248-8X, 250-12X, 249-14X= 747-34X
Mark Normandin (EV-2)- 248-13X, 250-17X, 248-14X= 746-44X
Rick Ingraham (Dawson HV)- 246-8X, 246-11X, 250-10X= 742-29X

And Match 2:
Todd Banks (Dawson Open class) 249-12X, 250-16X, 249-14X= 748-42X
Dan Brown (EV-2)- 245-11X, 250-14X, 250-17X= 745-43X
Mark Normandin (TM-1000 HV)- 246-8X, 249-11X, 250-10X= 745-29X

Dan brought along his new pellet sorting system:
IMG_1331 (Large).jpg
IMG_1330 (Large).jpg
Not sure exactly how it works, but I think there might be magic involved....

And here are our new indoor benches:
IMG_1332 (Large).jpg
IMG_1333 (Large).jpg

With our FT season kicking off in two weeks and our first outdoor BR match following two weeks later we probably won't hold another indoor match until Oct/Nov, but if anyone in the NE would like to use the indoor range for testing and tuning let me know and I can arrange some range time for you.

I have had the idea to use an air gauge to measure head size for some time and the final impetus to build one was when my hope of having machined pellets was dashed. I believe the air gauge is the best way to precisely and rapidly measure relative head size.
Once the machine is set up it is as simple as placing the pellet on the shell holder and raising the pellet up into the die. Either an air gauge or flow meter can be used to collect a measurement of the head size. Special brass pellets are used to adjust the machine to a known size.
Differences in head size as small as .00005" or .001mm can be discerned.
So far some of the information we have learned regarding jsb pellets is disturbing. I recently ordered some 4.53 jsb exacts, the actual head size is more like 4.50. AA 4.51 have the largest head size that I've measured in that pellet so far. Basically the head size label is worthless on jsb.
I'm not convinced yet that the apparatus will consistently improve my scores, however I have shot 10 wrabf targets indoors in the last week with air gauge sorted pellets, two guns, different calibers, nine of those targets were 250s, the first was a 249.

Intriguing Dan - more information??

Looks like the boys came out to play, incredible shooting Dan, Todd good to see you keeping him on his toes for 2nd match
Sorry to be the one to break this to you Todd, but that one's coming my way as I spoke for it last weekend. Oh, it's going to be a fun summer if we all start air gauging our pellets.

Great shooting guys.

Nice Shooting Guys

Too bad for the rest of you guys....Dan's only going to make one more, and it's mine:p Right Dan???

That system is great it could be a while before you see anyone else with such a well engineered system Im still sizing by hand and rolling to select the best pellets, Dan if you ever make this system commercially put me down for one....:eek:

Colin Evans
Most of the equipment needed is store bought, the dies, shell holders, and brass test pellets have to made on my lathe. I need to assemble it all in a prettier unitized package too before I can come up with a price.

That system is great it could be a while before you see anyone else with such a well engineered system Im still sizing by hand and rolling to select the best pellets, Dan if you ever make this system commercially put me down for one....:eek:

Colin Evans
Still interested

Most of the equipment needed is store bought, the dies, shell holders, and brass test pellets have to made on my lathe. I need to assemble it all in a prettier unitized package too before I can come up with a price.

Ok Dan if you ever do come up with a price let me no I think with pellets being made that do not quite meet the mark a system like this is the way to go if you are dedicated to the sport.

Save me some research time please

Is there no good way to swage a consistent pellet after the fact? It appears so with this fancy "sort" guage Dan has made. Any short answer will likely suffice.