Anyone know how to adjust a Sako A111 trigger or where to get the information . Thanks
M MIT Guest Feb 2, 2011 #1 Anyone know how to adjust a Sako A111 trigger or where to get the information . Thanks
J jglenn Guest Feb 2, 2011 #2 have you looked on the Sako site.. they have most of their manuals posted there . they normally have the trigger adjustment in them Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
have you looked on the Sako site.. they have most of their manuals posted there . they normally have the trigger adjustment in them
J jwa Jerry Ashby Feb 2, 2011 #3 MIT, you can probably find the info here: Jerry
P piniongear Guest Feb 2, 2011 #4 I don't know if this is your trigger, but it is the trigger on my Sako 'A' model rifles. If you cannoty use it perhaps someone else can. pg
I don't know if this is your trigger, but it is the trigger on my Sako 'A' model rifles. If you cannoty use it perhaps someone else can. pg