Sako P94S Accuracy


How accurate are the factory Sako P94S sporter's usually, given the proper match ammo and correctly fired from the bench at 50 yards.
The SAKO 94 S is very accurate. A friend and I had a friendly wager about the accuracy. We decided to test it against my BAT/.30 BR. The rules were that I would shoot at 100 yards at a slightly smaller target and he would shoot 10 targets at 50yds with the target shown. He shot a score of 100 but lost on the X count. My big .30 cuts a big hole! I set up wind flags and he did not. His little SAKO is certainly accurate and if you look at the targets, only 2 were wild shots and those could have been wind. Good shooting...James


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I have 2 much modified Sako 94's that I used for years in IR50-50 & RBA match's. By much modified that means new barrels, stocks, & triggers. A stock Sako 94 will average low to mid 240's on the IR50-50 target with good shooter & very good ammo. Now with the above mod's both rifles have shot 250's. AS to group size I never paid much attention to group size, just what the rifles will score on the target. I would guess a stock rifle will shoot under 1/2 inch @ 50 yds.
To expand on what Glenn said above: I was at one of the IR 50/50 Nationals and was lucky enough to be seated between he and Bob Holbruner. Glenn was shooting one of the above mentioned SAKO's while Bob was shooting an Anschutz 2007. Long story short: Bob won the overall Nationals with Glenn placing second. The most impressive part was, as I remember, every target Bob won was a World Record, and if he had slipped at all, Glenn would have been the winner and would have also shot a World Record. All weekend long those two guys shot nothing but better targets than had ever been shot before, every single time. It was quite a Nationals to say the least. One I will never forget and have spoken of many times since.

Dave Shattuck