SAKO 85 bedding info ?


HI , can anyone please let me know if they can direct me to a informative video showing how its correctly done, can't seem to get the idea straight about the recoil lug.

Thank's to all in advance , Remy
Sorry Remy, have no idea about a youtube video but I did bed mine in '96.
The general idea is to bed "loose". That is, when the whole rifle is inverted minus action bolts, the barrelled action drops away easily from the stock. Do not bed under the lug or under the magazine or it will act as a high spot. The sides of the lug should not make contact with the bedding compound either.
FWIW, a stress free job could not be achieved unless the compound under the tang was relieved to the point that it formed a half-moon at the rear. I just could not eliminate flex at the fore-end tip until the half moon was all that was left. That was my rifle. YMMV.

Good Luck:D
A couple of layers of electrical tape on the sides and bottom of the recoil lug will give you plenty of clearance.
I degrease the lug, apply tape, trim tape with an xacto knife (or razor blade or box cutter blade) then put release agent on, in my case wax.
Guy's , thank's a lot for the info, just a question is the lug to be fully bedded back and front while only relieving bottom and side's, did i get that right ?
Also did you use pillar's bedding your rifle's ?

Cheers, Remy
Only the back of the recoil lug is to be bedded, I also tape the front in case some compound move into that area.
After bedding the tape is removed and the barreled action easily comes out of the stock for thorough cleaning.
Sako recoil lug bedding

If, and ONLY if, the front action screw threads through the bottom of the recoil lug(as on previous Sako models)........the lug bottom would also need to be bedded. Not doing so would cause action flex, as the front action screw is tightened.

Hope this helps.

To add to that if the lug is in the very front of the action with the front stock bolt going into it then it needs to be bedded under the barrel shank for a couple inches. Every different action has its quirks so yours needs to be touching on the bottom and back of the lug- not the sides or front. Also not on the bridge where the mag is but needs to be bedded in the back with the trigger torqued down if its the one with the single screw holding it in. Way too many ways to bed a sako to not shoot in the end.