Sako 6.5x47 Lapua: Pistol



I have a sako medium L-579 action that I'm going to make into a pistol. JB at Accuflite will be making the pistol for me. I'm thinking of 6.5x47 caliber for target and hunting application. Since the 6.5x47 uses a small primer will there be a problem with full powder column ingition. Also, why the small primer and not a match FGM210M or CCI BR-2. I'm sure there was a good reason for the small primer. Thanks. PAT.
Probably the main reason that it has a small rifle primer is because the 6 PPC and the 6 BR both have small rifle primers. Since, the 6 PPC is the standard for 100/200/300 yard accuracy and has been for around 30 years, I figure that's why the 6.5x47 Lapua uses the small rifle primer. I wouldn't be concerned about it as the 6.5x47 Lapua shoots very well.
Rifle action into pistol?

Perhaps you should check out the legal aspects of making an L-579 into a pistol. L-579's were sold as rifles and as separate actions, but were they ever sold by the factory as pistols? If not, then you might be manufacturing something that could get you into big trouble.

Not trying to rain on your parade, but an XP-100 action might be a better choice. XP's were made both single shot & repeater versions, & with .308 bolt faces too.

Regards, Ron
Sako 6.5x47 Lapua Pistol

Ron, I'm OK. My action was sold in the "white" for a build approx. 16 years ago and was never made into a complete rifle or pistol. These were the round top actions Sako sold to Browning & Colt and to gunsmiths for builds. My serial number is 190. I already checked with ATF and this action is good to go for pistol or rifle. However, once you build a rifle you can't go back and make a pistol, but not vice-versa. JB at Accuflite has Mcmillan pistol stocks for my action that he had made years ago. The plan is to have a Walther barrel in 6.5x47 Lapua and a matching 358 Win Mag barrel set.

On some other forums I read that there was some concern about the small primer being able to ignite the entire powder load efficiently. My gut tells me that people wouldn't be winning long range matches if this was a problem.

During my load work up for my 6.5 x 47 L prone rifle (Bat action) I used both Fed 205M and CCI 450 Mag. primers with good accuracy and no ignition problems with some very stout test loads with RL 15 and 17 using 120 Sierra's, 130 JLK's and 140 Berger's, bullets of a hunting size but not hunting type. My best accuracy loads were well off max velocity, but during testing I took the loads up to pressure signs with no ignition issues.

I like the 6.5 x 47 Lapua and I'm thinking of chambering a light weight Rem 700 SA rifle for late season Black Tail deer hunting. If you're not familiar, Sitka Black Tail deer are small deer and since we meat hunt with head and neck shots only, killing power is not much of an issue. By late season, the Brown Bears are not as much of an issue, and beach hunting is common if the snow is heavy in the woods, so an accurate rifle is a big plus. Good luck with your project.
...I already checked with ATF and this action is good to go for pistol or rifle. However, once you build a rifle you can't go back and make a pistol, but not vice-versa....

That makes too much sense. If you have a letter from BATF as to that, I'd make sure and file it as the way one person interprets something may be different than the way another one interprets it. If you have it in writing with that persons signature, it's hard to find fault with you.