Sacramento oct match


Sat was Sporter
100 in am, 200 in pm
We had 25 shooters
Weather was nice but windy, better than normal for the ione triangle
I found the 200 in the afternoon very twitchy & tricky

Sunday was unlimited 5 shot
200 in am, 100 in pm
We had 16 shooters, we lost 9 shooters from sat
We got rain overnight, and it was very cold all day

I believe only 5 actual rail guns, must shot their bag guns
Joe Hanson shot a 30br , in only his second match, and shot pretty well

Results attached:
Pretty much the Don Nielson show again
He won both grand aggs & the 2 gun
with only one match left for the year, next month, he has a commanding lead for shooter of the year award



  • SAC OCT 2009.xls
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Bob Dorton's old style rail gun
I thought it was neat.

