SAC VALLEY IR50/50 JUNE 2023 Results


We had a light turnout for our monthly IR50/50 match, graduations & vacations waylaying some regulars.
6 shooters showed up to challenge the tricky conditions, mostly out of the SW 3-5 mph with gusts of 10-12.
There was certainly a shootable condition if you were patient enough, not one of my finer qualities!
We got started with Match One shortly after 8:00,
Card 1 was taken by Greg Wilson with a 249-10x, Card 2 was won by Pierre Bigras with a 248-14x, Card 3 taken by Brett Berger with a 249-14x (HS of the Agg)
The results for Match One are:
1st: Brett Berger 745-32x
2nd: Greg Wilson 742-40x
3rd: Pierre Bigras 741-35x
After the scores were tallied for Match 1 and the whining was over, we moved right in to Match 2, as the conditions continued to pick up,
but now with the occasional letup to keep things entertaining.
Card 1 was won by me with a 249-14x, followed up with a card 2 win at 249-16x (HS of the Agg), Marcus Byrne taking Card 3 with a nice 249-13x.
Match 2 results:
1st: Greg Wilson 745-42x
2nd: Marcus Byrne 742-35x
3rd: Brett Berger 741-46x
The overall 6-Card Agg aka "The Money Match" was won by Greg with a 1487-82x, just edging out Brett's 1486-78x, with Marcus 3rd at 1474-64x just edging out Pierre who was 4th at 1473-64x.
Thanks to all the shooters who came out, and the help everyone gave me with the match, Dan should be back next month, and hopefully we get a few more shooters.
Bring a friend out with you and enjoy the fun!
Full results attached.
See ya next month,
View attachment June 2023 IR5050 6-Card Agg-1.pdf