Sac Valley April IR 50/50 Results


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters held their second IR50/50 match of the year Saturday (4/15) at the Sac Valley Shooting Center, a double 3-Card match,
and shooters were greeted by a beautiful California spring morning. Started off in the mid 40's and hit upper 60's by noon time. Of course this being the Ione Triangle it was breezy from the start and slowly picked up over the course of the day. Predominantly coming from 7-8 0'clock with the occasional switch over to 5-6 o'clock, readable and shootable if you paid attention, if you didn't you were rewarded with a 9 or in some cases an 8!

We had 5 shooters who shot both of the Unlimited 3-Card list matches, with Pierre Bigras getting back to form by winning both 3-Card Aggregates, and capping it off by shooting a beautiful 250-18X for the last card of the day, in arguably the worst conditions of the day! Yours truly finished 2nd in both aggs, and I don't believe I won a single target, lots of those oh s**t moments, and then trying to figure out what you missed. Ron Chisick & Francis Lee split 3rd place finishes in the 2 aggs.

The 6-card Club Aggregate AKA "The Money Match" was won by Pierre Bigras, Greg Wilson 2nd, Francis Lee 3rd, Marcus Byrne 4th.

We also attracted a couple of prospective factory shooters (Mike Bush and Rollie Bowns both of muzzle-loader fame) who joined us at the match to observe the format and did a little practice shooting with us while there. I conned them into shooting a few regulation targets with their CZ's while they were practicing, just to give them a feel for what it was like. (I have a rule, you make the effort to come out here we are gonna figure out a way for you to shoot!)
They both seemed to enjoy themselves and hopefully picked up some good info, along with a shopping list!
Hope to see you guys next month as official participants!
We will be holding our next RF match on Saturday May 20th and it will also be a Double 3-Card IR50/50 match, hopefully Match Director Dan makes it back from AZ by then, we missed him! (Supposedly he is visiting his Mother in-Law in Yuma, I personally think he's down in Mesa hanging out in the Lapua Test tunnel :cool::p)

Complete results attached, hope to see everyone next month.


  • Apr 2023 IR5050 6-Card Agg.pdf
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