S&W AR-15 M&P Sporter 5.56


4 Liberty

Is the S&W AR-15 M&P Sporter 5.56 mil-spec? Have there been any credible complaints with this firearm?
might i suggest you ask this question on ar15.com......
sort of thier ball of wax....

mike in co
Is the S&W AR-15 M&P Sporter 5.56 mil-spec? Have there been any credible complaints with this firearm?

for pete's sake, it's bad enough you stuck this on the general discussion of a benchrest forum, but to post it here too is TOO MUCH. And this, boys and girls, is a credible complaint IMO. :)

Please go to ar15.com and play in their sandbox.
Having been a giggling voyeur on several other forums (I couldn't possibly post without being thrown out on me ear ;) )....."credible complaint" is interpreted differently by different folks.

S&W is a fairly well established American company of decent repute, no?

The AR box is perty well established neh?

"Is it "mil-spec?""

I hope not!


Lots of SUBJECTIVE discombobulation re: the OPs request for an OBJECTIVE "answer."
Like I said, go over where the people are smarter than here, where you can get FACTS!

