S. Ga. Results 7-7-12

We held our final SOTY match today. The weather was warm and the breeze was light with occasional switches. The scores were tight with some pretty good scores being shot. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all who helped with the matches all year!
IR 50/50 Sporter
1)Bob Collins 249-11X
2)L. Worthy Jr. 248-14X
3)Phil Deese 247-9X
105. lb.
1)Phil Deese 250-20X
2)Bob Collins 249-17X
3)L. Worthy Jr. 247-16X
13.5 lb.
1)L. Worthy Jr. 249-17X
2)Bob Collins 249-14X
3)Phil Deese 248-17X
1)Phil Deese 250-14X
2)Emery Smith 249-9X
3)L. Worthy Jr. 247-12X
1)L. Worthy Jr. 249-19X
2)Phil Deese 249-17X
3)Richard Shorter 247-17X
1)L Worthy Jr. 250-16X
2)Phil deese 248-14X
3)Richard Shorter 247-14X
Sporter Agg. L. Worthy Jr. 981-50X
10.5 lb. Agg. L. Worthy Jr. 989-52X
13.5 lb. Agg. L. Worthy Jr. 991-56X
Grand Agg. L. Worthy Jr. 2962-155X
Unlimited Agg.
1)L. Worthy Jr. 2958-151X
2)Phil Deese 2949-143X
3)Emery Smith 2925-119X
Congratulations Leonard!! Seems to be a bit of a pattern this year! Phil, you done good as well!
Thanks...sure wish you would pick-up Hoke and come over to shoot with us sometime!!