S. Ga. Results 7-23-16

We had a little fog early, then some overcast. It was welcomed as it has been really hot lately. The light breeze felt good. Congrat's to all the winners!
IR 50/50
1) Mike Cameron. 249-16X
2) Bob Collins. 247-9X
3) L. Worthy Jr. 245-11X
10.5 lb.
1) L. Worthy Jr. 250-19X
2) Mike Cameron. 250-18X
3) Bill Smith. 250-16X
13.5 lb.
1) L. Worthy Jr. 250-15X
2) Mike Cameron. 249-17X
3) Bill Smith 249-15X
1) Richard Shorter. 250-10X
2) Mike Cameron. 249-16X
3) Mickey Law. 249-13X
1) Mike Cameron. 250-14X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 249-17X
3) Bill Smith. 248-11X
1) Mike Cameron. 248-16X
2) Bob Collins. 248-14X
3) L. Worthy Jr. 248-13X
S.Ga Results

Hey Wilbur,
Not to bad of a trip, just wanted to take a ride and look where I ended up? Trigger time is always a good time, especially with friends. Leonard's right about the lunch, wild hog backstrap, baked beans, and okra, grilled on the Barbie, and sweet tea. Now all I have to do is improve my shooting ability. Thumper:cool:
Hi Lenard,

With a lunch like that I might be tempted to take a ride too! Bill, not throwing stones at the Crawfish but, Lenard isn't serving the bait for lunch!:D

Ken Henderson
S Georgia Results

Must use bait to catch them! Love to see ya come on down, enjoy your company and we don't have that white stuff that comes out of the sky upon occasion. We miss you and your better half shooting with us southern boys. Stay in touch. Thumper:cool: