S. Ga. Results 6-14-08

We had a great day for shooting, with a lot of clouds and a good breeze. Thanks to all who helped with the match, and Congrat's to all the winners.
IR 50/50
1)Bob Collins 248-12X
2)Rod Collins 247-12X
3)Phil Deese 246-9X
10.5 lb.
1)L. Worthy Jr. 250-18X
2)Bob Collins 249-16X
3)Rod Collins 248-15X
13.5 lb.
1)Rod Collins 249-17X
2)Phil Deese 248-12X
3)L. Worthy Jr. 247-19X
1)Bob Collins 242-8X
2)Rod Collins 242-7X
3)Phil Deese 237-7X
10.5 lb.
1)Bob Collins 249-17X
2)Rod Collins 245-13X
3)Phil Deese 244-18X
1)Rod Collins 247-14X
2)Phil Deese 246-11X
3)Bob Collins 245-11X
Most Important thing left out

Leonard left out what he did that was the most important thing. He worked with and had four new shooters at the match. Congratulations! You really understand what we need to make the sport grow.
I know your girls have already said it but Happy Fathers Day. I appreciate all you put into our sport.
Bob Collins