S. Ga. Results 5-22-16

The temp. was 60 degrees when we started and around 78 when we finished. The breeze was pretty strong and switching but we could not have had a better day. We had Duck and Fish for lunch. Mike Cameron swept us in the 3-GUN and didn't cut us a lot of slack in the Unlimited. S. Ga. Boy
1) Mike Cameron 249-20X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 249-11X
3) Bob Collins 247-9X
10.5 lb.
1) Mike Cameron 250-12X
2) Bob Collins 248-10X
3) L. Worthy Jr. 245-11X
13.5 lb.
1) Mike Cameron 249-20X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 248-12X
3) Mickey Law 248-7X
1) L. Worthy Jr. 249-19X
2) Mike Cameron 249-19X
3) Bob Collins 245-11X
1) Bob Collins 248-15X
2) L. Worthy Jr. 248-13X
3) Mike Cameron 248-10X
1) L. Worthy Jr. 248-12X
2) Bob Collins 248-16X
3) Mike Cameron 244-13X
Mike did good...but I'm sure everybody enjoyed the match. I know I always had a major good time shooting there!

Mike did good...but I'm sure everybody enjoyed the match. I know I always had a major good time shooting there!

Leonard is just ribbing me a little bit, we had a great time and always do, in my opinion it is one of the absolute best matches I shoot every year especially the catfish tournament I look forward to that match every year and have a really great time. Leonard is the best MD in the sport, when you shoot there you don't have to do anything but set up and shoot, he and Richard put the targets up and take them down and do all the scoring, they are a great team and I have to say I appreciate them tremendously.