S. Ga. BR Results 5-18-13

We had eight shooters to show up on a cool cloudy day. Winds were light and switching, and we even shot one target in a drizzling rain. Mike Cameron put it on us pretty badly today, shooting three 250s. There were a total of seven 250s shot today. Congrat's to all the winners and thanks to all who helped with the match. S. Ga. Boy
IR 50/50
1st: Mike Cameron 250-17X
2nd: Bill Smith 247-15X
3rd: L. Worthy Jr. 247-14X
10.5 lb.
1st: Emery Smith 250-17X
2nd: L. Worthy Jr. 249-12X
3rd: Steve Lloyd 249-7X
13.5 lb.
1st: Mike Cameron 250-16X
2nd: L. Worthy Jr. 250-16X
3rd: Emery Smith 249-16X
1st:Steve Lloyd 249-19X
2nd:Emery Smith 249-12X
3rd:Mike Cameron 248-19X
1st: L. Worthy Jr. 250-12X
2nd: Steve Lloyd 249-19X
3rd: Mike cameron 249-18X
1st: Mike Cameron 250-20X
2nd: Richard Shorter 250-15X
3rd: Steve Lloyd 249-18X