Ruger 308 Winchester VT Target Trigger Shoe


Douglas Hough

Does anybody out there know where I could purchase a trigger shoe for a Ruger VT in 308 WInchester?

This would be a lower cost alternative to purchasing a Spec Tech Trigger for this rifle from Brownells. The Spec Tech Trigger may have some installation issues as the factory trigger appears to be "micro welded" to a post that extends down from the receiver. Once the micro weld has been removed I assume that there would be no turning back. If the factory trigger is in fact easy to remove this would definitely worth considering.

I believe that the rifle is worth some tweaking as it has shown the capability on numerous occassions to shout at or under 1/3 inch at 100 meters for three shots and 4 inch groups at an honest 700 meters

Thanks for your time

Doug Hough
Ruger M77 V/T triggers...

Douglas Hough... I have a Ruger M77 V/T,.308 that I installed a Rifle Basics trigger...VERY easy(no mods) to install & adjust...very consistant,very reliable. I 1st adjusted it down to 8oz,but have since upped it to 12oz. NICE.
I would recommend the Rifle Basics trigger---think you'd be happy...gpoldblue.
Ruger VT Target Trigger

Thanks for the prompt reply and I'll try the Basik Trigger if I can find one. Trouble is, is that I can only import items that are under $100.00 across the border due to import/export restrictions. However, I now have an idea where to go. Trying to make a Ruger shoot like a bench rifle may be thinking optimisticly but it's the journey that counts not the destination, right!

Thanks Again,

Doug Hough