Room at Sanger Inn for Texas State IBS Match


New member
Unfortunately, work will prevent me from attending the IBS Texas State shoot in Denton this weekend. But, I have a room booked at the Sanger Inn. There is a 48 hour cancellation policy so I cannot cancel my room for tomorrow night. However, if you tell them you want the room reserved for Ryan Harrison for Friday and Saturday night they will change the room to your name and you can give them your credit card information.

Hope this helps someone.
I called and asked for your room.
the lady seemed vaugly familiar with the issue. I will call back after 10 AM and reconfirm.
Ted - I'll call back this morning and, hopefully, talk to the same person that you will talk to when you call. Ryan
Ted - I just talked to Mike at the Sanger Inn. He is expecting your call later this morning. You'll need to give him my name when you call and he'll transfer my reservation to your name. Thanks and I look forward to meeting you at a match soon.

Ryan Harrison
Ryan's usual room special

Ted, Be sure you cancel Ryan's usual "special room package" unless you want the room with the 3 bottles of ready whip, the trapeze and the live armadillo. Tim
Tim - would you please take care of the armadillo for me since I will not be able to make it up there this time? Thanks!:p

Shoot well and I look forward to shooting with ya'll again real soon...
use a hanky

Ryan, I am sorry. I am not getting near "Old Beelzebub". Those things carry leprosy. You will sooner or later find this out when you sneeze and your nose flies off. Tim
I got to the Sanger Inn before I got your message, I am in the room now.....I think I'll be okayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!