Rookie Machinest Question .... REAL ROOKIE


Fred Nickel

I know this is likely a dopey question ... but it's for sure not the 1st one I've asked ... and I know it won't be the last ...

If one were to want to make something like a 1 piece rest .... and that rest had a long "1 piece bottom plate" ..... let's say 30" .... does a mills table travel have to be greater than 30" or can the base be milled section at a time .... like mill the 1st 10 inches, then move the peice and mill another 10" and then move the piece again and finish it up. Will it look like it was milled in three sections or would "you never know it"

Why mill the full length? Design the thing to use readily available stock.

See told you I was a Rookie ..... funny, I just got off the phone with a close friend that is a machinist by trade .... he told me the same thing .... sometimes the most obvious is hard to see.

Thanks Ray ...
To answer the question though, you'd probably have to polish the transitions to hide where they are. Either that, or you'd have to work to a point where there is a shape that would hide the tool mark, then continue from there. Like a corner or something obvious.