Rockwell Lathe

Gene DeLoney

New member
I think at least a couple of you guys use Rockwell lathes for your gunsmithing chores.
Mine is a 11x36 made in the mid sixties.
I like to keep things oiled up but the oiler that gives me fits is the one on the back gear counter gear. I have used a flexible spout oiler to get down in there but usually have oil everwhere but in that tiny oil fitting.
Just thought you guys may have come up with a better way.
Thanks, Gene
I'll ask my buddy Rod

He has one. And has made parts for the machine. I have a 10". Their is a Yahoo group dedicated to the Rockwell lathes.
I got a thought... Could you call Dick T. @ Bridgeman machine. 313-366-1060. He might be able to help you faster. Or send a Email to Rodney, he's back from Knob Creek. Rodney Clayton <

I got a thought... Could you call Dick T. @ Bridgeman machine. 313-366-1060. He might be able to help you faster. Or send a Email to Rodney, he's back from Knob Creek. Rodney Clayton <


Thanks Mark.........I will give both of them a try.
I lock the gear in place and then compress the ball with a 1/16" welding rod and let oil run down the rod into the fitting...
I lock the gear in place and then compress the ball with a 1/16" welding rod and let oil run down the rod into the fitting...

Thank you Dennis. A picture sure is worth a thousand words. I gave your idea a try and it really does work but I soon realized that you can't hurry. One drop and wait, one more drop and wait...I managed to get half dozen drops in there.
Last year I replaced the 2 drive belts and as you probably know the headstock has to come off to do this. At that time, I lubed all the bushings and shafts on reassembly and have managed to get some oil in there with a long flexible spout oil can. The gear turns very easily when disengaged but I always worried about those bushings running dry.
By the way, I have the original factory manual that came with the lathe when new so if I can ever help you out with any info I would be happy to help.
Also, I copied your removable hinge pin on the gear cover. Works great!
Thanks again,
My belts are the originals from 1973... The fellow I bought the lathe from took it apart when new and installed large felt 'washers' on either side of the belts to keep them free from oil migrating on the shaft... the belts look real good still.

I only oil/lube those gears once a year...
My belts were starting to come apart so I had no choice but to replace them.
The main drive belts are still good, however, but I bought new ones at the same time just in case!
Thanks again for the info,