Rock Creek Barrels?


New member
What is your opinion of Rock Creek barrels with regards to Bartlein or Krieger? Are Rock barrels metal any softer that you have noticed when chambering?

Rock barrels are as good as anyones. Steel for barrel making is about the same usually and they chamber well and shoot well. Look at the number of benchrest guys shooting them. If you need one let me know, I do all of their gun work and might just have what you need in stock.
Robert, I've got 2 Rock Creek Barrels,(30BR) both shoot damn good and clean easy, never had a problem with either and the next gun I build for hunting or BR will have a Rock Creek too!! Bartlein, Hart, Shilen and dozens more make really good barrels,, just like Randy Robinette said, "there are lots of good bullet maker's out there" same thing with barrels, I'm sure every now & then everybody makes a dog but,,,,,,,,, today they are fewer & farther between!! My suggestion, grab a name brand barrel and hang with it, in this game it's more than just the barrel,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,

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My 30BR has a Rock Creek bbl and there is NO WAY any other brand could shoot any better. I am sure the other top brands could do just as good.
I've only installed one barrel from Rock Creek. I cleaned after each shot for the first five, then shot two and cleaned. There was no copper fouling after 7 shots. I knew then it was a keeper, its shoots like a dream too...