Roadrunner - 2 gun grand results


I want to thank Ed Adams, Jack Snyder and Todd Tyler for the great match they put on. It was very well ran from the target crew, Jack's dughter for doing the range master or should I say mistress duty (sorry had to say that) and of course mr. wizard the score keeper. If you have not ever shot at this range I feel it is a must to do at least once in your travels. Thanks again for a great weekend.
I agree with Tom, this was a fantastic shoot. It was well ran... the target crew, scoring and the range master all did a fantastic job. I'd put them up against any in the business. Not one glitch the whole weekend. Weather was great, loading facilities are top notch and lunch was provided for free both days. If you have not shot in Albuquerque you have miss out. I highly reccomend makeing Alb. a must shoot next year. I know I will be there. Thanks to all those who put up money for the prizes! I still haven't decided on which reamer I will get. Not a bad prize!!! Thanks Todd and Ed all all who were responsible for helping put this match on. It is greatly appreciated. Already looking forward to next year. Thanks, Bro.D

That was a sweet Pot. Scratch like that,paid out at every shoot would definitely grow the sport. At the very least,it would help maintain status Quo.

I agree it was a great match at a fantastic facility and the crew was top notch, a good time for all that attended.

BroD You mention "Not one glitch", you must have been on the first relay. The second relay Saturday morning they had to call an emergency cease fire because some idiot's were lost driving their car downrange.........never seen that before EVER!!!
The rangemaster noticed immediately and shut things down instantly before it turned into a Bonnie & Clyde incident.
Was great to meet some good new people that never make it to Utah shoot's
Thanks to all that made it happen.