Riverbend October Score Match


Saturday was our windy-est match so far this year....by a long shot. Wind was a measured 10-12 MPH with some gust that must have been near 20. The problem was that I have never seen wind blow in that many directions at one time.

We had 12 shooters show up for what was some of the most pleasant weather you can get in Georgia.We shot 200 yards first which is our custom. This may have back-fired this match because even before the shooting started, the wind was blowing leaves across the range. Actually by late in the afternoon - the wind had let up a little and become much more consistant making 100 yards a little more bearable.

200 Yards:

1st place Scott Dittman 249-5x
2nd place Dave Rabin 246-6x
3rd place Brett Green 244-5x

Factory class 200 was Wayne Hunt 227-1x

Other notables was Nick Bauer that finished 4th at 200 yards with a savage actioned 22-250 with a score of 244-3x.

We then moved the targets up to 100 yards:

1st Dave Rabin 250-21x (awesome score for conditions)
2nd Ray Brooks 250-20x (another awesome score)
3rd Scott Dittman 250-19x

Wayne Hunt production - 242-6x

This puts the grand at:

1st place Scott Dittman 499-24x
2nd place Dave Rabin 496-27x
3rd place Randy Hight 493-20x
4th place Brady Knight 493-16x
5th place Brett Green 492-22x

Factory class was won by Wayne Hunt with a 469-7x shooting his new Savage in 6BR.

November will be a NBRSA registered group match - see y'all there.