River Bend RBA Unlimited Saturday July 31


Ray Brooks
Any local lurkers are invited to spectate or enter !!

RBGC's second Rimfire Benchrest match of the year is Saturday July 31 on the MP1 range. Sign up
starts at 7:30 and first shot downrange is 9:00. We should be done by noon depending on the number of
entries. Entry fee is $15.00.

The match will consist of 3 RBA targets which have 25 record rounds and unlimited sighters. The time
allowed per target is 30 minutes. For July all targets will be fired at 50 yards. There will be 2 classes.
The first is RBA Unlimited. This is a sanctioned match and all rifles shooting in the RBA Unlimited class
must meet RBA rules.

The second class is RBGC Target Rifle. This is an unsanctioned class. Any bolt action rifle firing 22LR
and meeting the following rules is eligible: Tuners ARE NOT permitted. Muzzle attachments of any
kind ARE NOT permitted, this includes bloop tubes. The muzzle of the barrel can be NO MORE than
3/16" larger than the rest of the barrel. The crown MAY NOT be recessed more than 1/2". 3" forend
adaptors ARE permitted. Benchrest stocks with forends up to 3" wide ARE permitted. One piece
rests ARE NOT permitted. The rifle has to be able to be lifted straight up off the rest without any
manipulation of the rifle or rest. Any scope is permitted. 24 power or greater is recommended.