River Bend GA July Group Match


Saturday we held our monthly Club Match at River Bend. This was a group match attended by 11 shooters. Weather was typical for this time of year in the South. It was HOT. Temperatures stared out in the 70's and climbed from there. The shooting line is a large area covered by a structure with a metal roof, much like a large version "Easy Bake Oven". Temps on the firing line reached 101 F.

Wind was light and switchy but manageable, mirage was terrible at times but held off for most of the match with the breeze.

We shot 200 yards first and these are standings:

1st place Jim Andress .2774
2nd place Bill Dittman .3270
3rd place Bob Bradshaw .3332

Small group Jim Andress .386

We then shortened up the range to 100 yards:

1st place John Bearden .2456
2nd place Jim Andress .2498
3rd place Scott Dittman .2638

small group John Bearden .142

This put the Grand Agg scores as follows:

1st place Jim Andress .2636
2nd place John Bearden .3012
3rd place Bob Bradshaw .3143

We had two production class shooters one of which was Dan shooting in his first ever match.

Wayne Hunt won production with a Grand Agg of .7663 beating out Dan McEvoy who shot a .9263.

Great shooting Jim!

Scott Dittman
I think this is the first River Bend match Scott shot this year that he didn't win. Just my luck -- I was on vacation with the family and missed a match where Scott shot like a mortal for a change. :D

Congratulations to the winners and I'll see you next month.
